Monday, October 30, 2006

Who watches the local TV news?

We never do, but it is dark and cold out and we turned the TV on and watched the last part of the 6:00 news. The theme is, of course, be afraid, be very afraid. Tonight they had a special report on sex offenders who might lure little children into their houses on Halloween. They are not supposed to have any decorations on their house or in their yard, and no lights on. Of course, the taxpayers don't want to pay to have state or county employees monitoring them to make sure they are complying. But the "reporters" don't tell you that. They sent some "reporters" out to check some addresses, and found 2 that had decorations. They also burst people's bubble who thought they didn't have any sex offenders in their neighborhood. Everyone has sex offenders in their neighborhood.

Then, continuing with the Halloween theme, they had somebody tell us that if we didn't have our Halloween costume yet, not to stress. We could just throw something together from things we had around our house. We don't have to go out and buy something fancy. Hellooo? What IQ level of people need someone on the news to tell them that???

Then, the best part was the weather report. The guy said to check the sky about 4:00 tomorrow afternoon to see if it is cloudy, and if it is cloudy, it might rain tomorrow night...???????????????????????????????????????????????

Also we need to be afraid of deer.???????????????????????


Anonymous said...

Deer Dr. Joni: I'm afraid. I cain't he'p m'se'f. What if them tourists come in the night? Whut then?

Anonymous said...

Sky is clear here and it's 1 degree this morning. Good news? We're gonna be able to see the Leonids and all the other great winter fireworks.