Sunday, October 29, 2006


They are getting there. In fact, I think it worked! We did the 20% vinegar solution and left it on for a few hours, and then we did several acetone with purple wood dye and some navy blue fabric dye and finally a little black. We still have to grind some to polish slightly more and get a little more of the black off, but I think they are actually almost the color of the floor now. The picture looks a little blue because there isn't enough light left on the patio this time of day.

Fifteen earthquakes in the world so far today, too. Eight of them in Alaska.

We planted out the black bamboo today too. And divided it so we have a few plants to put in the greenhouse, in case the stuff in the ground doesn't survive the winter. It is supposed to freeze tonight.

1 comment:

Joni said...

Thank you! They will be even lovlier if they actually get installed next weekend!