Friday, September 29, 2006

Funny Coincidence on I-5

The past couple days Rich and I have been in Medford. I needed to be there for work, and Rich came along with me so we could then go to California for the weekend. Today, we left Medford and headed back on I-5 to Grant's Pass so we could cut over to Crescent City, California to get to our ultimate destination of McKinleyville by Eureka.

We were about 2 miles from our exit at Grant's Pass, and we got behind a whole bunch of slow trucks. We couldn't get over into the left lane to pass, because the cars in the left lane were coming really fast, and Rich commented on it. I was looking at the cars, and saw a little red BMW, with a license plate of 4444BDW. I was noting the 4444, and then I realized it was Blaine! So we finally got into the left lane and had to drive really fast to catch up with him and get next to him and honk and wave. He pulled off after us in Grant's Pass and we talked for awhile. He is moving back to Portland - bought a house. Has been up the last few weekends moving stuff, but is now on his way permanently. Pretty funny to see someone you know like that on the freeway in southern oregon!

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