Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Way the Wind is Blowing...

We have lived in Yamhill County for 22 years, except for about 10 months when we lived in Tualatin. Every election year I have been frustrated to always very early see Republican campaign signs and rarely any Democrat campaign signs. We have worked on election campaigns and it is always a somewhat futile effort, as no matter how incompetant or bigoted or otherwise ridiculous the Republican candidate is, they always win. In the final tabulation for statewide offices, even though the Democrat wins statewide, the Republican always wins in Yamhill County.

This year, driving through the backroads of Yamhill County, I have seen LOTS of Obama signs in front of farms, and NO McCain signs. (Except now, there is actually one on our street, which might be the subject of a later blog...).

And then this morning I was looking at the Yamhill County Democrats website, and saw this little bit of AMAZING news:

Obama outraises McCain by 2X in Yamhill County

A recent tabulation shows that Obama has 4 times as many contributors (440) as McCain (99) in Yamhill County, who collectively have given 2 times as much, for a total of $48,168, to Obama.

Looking at Voter Registration data for Oregon, there are still more new Republicans registered in Yamhill County than Democrats, but I think the money thing is pretty significant.

Here's the voter registration stats through August for Oregon, county by county. (You have to go to this site, then click on the link for August, because I don't know how to just make a link to the PDF file.)

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