Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Something Exciting Happened in Newberg and I Missed It

Maybe if I went to Freddy's more often I too would have seen Robin Williams when he was in town. Evidently he went on a supervised shopping trip and was seen by locals. I'm sure they didn't go to the tasting rooms...

I just don't pay enough attention to the comings and goings of the stars. Especially ones I don't like much...

Occasionally on our walks around town we walk past the treatment center. Not too long ago we did. Maybe he was even there then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Robins is probably the best living textbook example of a really messed up personality healing himself by revealing his guts. He is a master of spontaneity. But not for all tastes. The French love Jerry Lewis. I wouldn't pee on him if he suddenly burst into flame.