Saturday, June 26, 2010

Newberg is Happening!

We went for a walk downtown last night. Friday night. Not an Art Walk Friday. Walking through town, we could hear live music coming from TWO separate venues.  The Coffee Cottage, of course, with it's little crowd of regulars.  And then, where else?  First Street Pub.
  I think it used to be the little pool hall.  Now they have live music on weekends.  Allen's band played there last weekend.   You can't see it very well in my stupid little video - I didn't know how to do the video thing right on my iPhone.  But it gives you the general idea....    

Also new in Newberg is  Voodoo Martini, Newberg's newest wine bar.  More than a wine bar. They must have martinis too. 
We haven't been there.

Lots of other wine bars downtown.  So if you haven't been to Newberg for awhile, you might want to come for a visit.

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