Thursday, July 03, 2008

What We Are Doing on Saturday

with the Syllas.....

Gaper Clam, Butter Clam, and Steamer Clam Dig$25+
(Plus a car pooling contribution ($2-3 to the driver) - if you carpool)
Saturday, July 5, 2008: Leave Beaverton at 7:15am, return around 2:30pm.
Location: Tillamook, OR.
Sponsor: Wild Food Adventures
Description: Learn how to find, dig, transport, clean, and prepare gaper, butter and steamer clams during one of the lowest tides in 2008. Learn gathering regulations and limits. Learn how Native Americans gathered these same clams.
What to Bring: A 2008 Oregon Shellfish Collecting License. See "All about Licenses" below. A collecting pail and mesh or white plastic bag to hang on your belt, old wettable tennis shoes, very warm layered wool clothing (you will get wet), a towel, a change of cloths, a garden shovel, a backpack to carry all your stuff, water, a sac lunch, and plenty to snack on. For what we are doing, a square bladed garden shovel works best, A regular taper-bladed garden shovel works better than a narrow clamming shovel. Prepare for variable coastal weather! While we hope to go through water at only knee level, depending on Mother Nature, you may have to wade through chest high water, slog through muck up to your knees, and climb over large boulders. It is all in a day's adventure!

We'll take pictures!

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