Monday I had to go to Astoria. I was meeting a co-worker in Carlton so we could ride together. I left home about 7:15 am. When I got to the intersection of Honey Lane and Highway 240, there was a fire truck blocking off 240, and sending traffic down Old Yamhill Rd. As I traveled on Old Yamhill Rd, off to the left I could see that there were about 5 more fire trucks at least along Highway 240. I was able to get back on 240 at the intersection with Tangen Rd.
Whatever this was, it was something major. At first I thought it might be part of the statewide disaster drill that was supposed to be happening this week, but when I got home I looked on every news site I could think of to find information. All the disaster drill stuff wasn't starting until Tuesday. But there was no information about whatever this was, and still there has been nothing.
Just strange.
Cat in tree?
We had a similar thing happen here. And it has happened in Tokyo, Beijing, Cairo, Paris and Roseville, California. Many scientists now hypothesize this is the big one--yep, an invasion of the Alpha Centauri locust people. Warning! These people will stick at nothing to get what they want. And what do they want? They want our women and chirren. I say enough of these space aliens. To hell wth a spacae station, we need to build a space wall around the earth. Maybe really, really thick plexiglas. Oh, shit! I just thought of some'at. We'd still have to have space stations so's the washingcrews could keep the wall clean and clear. Or maybe . . .
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