Saturday, December 17, 2011

Occupy McMinnville!

Fridays 6:00 - 7:00 PM - we've been there the last 2 weeks!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Troubled with little meeces

We have had a mouse problem again recently.  Caught 2 in the wine closet a month or so ago.  Rich saw one running across the kitchen floor a few days ago.  I saw one in the bathroom. Little tiny thing.  So the other night Rich set 3 mouse traps.  He put one in the wine closet, one outside the bathroom door, and one in the kitchen behind the garbage.  He uses peanut butter in the traps.  Next morning there was one mouse in the wine closet trap, and the other 2 traps had been licked clean of the peanut butter without setting them off.  So yesterday morning he re-set them with fresh peanut butter.  

Yesterday afternoon we left home about 3:00 to do a little shopping and then go out to dinner for Dan's birthday.  When we got home, about 9:30 pm, we checked the traps.  Only problem was, the mouse trap that had been behind the garbage was completely missing.  Sometimes, you know, the mouse drags them a little ways after being caught, so we looked all around.  Couldn't find.  Then, mystery unsolved, we went into the office/tv room and turned on the light.  This is what we saw:

Dear Miss Poo Poo the cat now not only brings the mice inside to play with and then abandons them, doesn't catch them again herself, and then raids the mousetrap!  Or maybe she was trying to rescue it again.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What are the chances?

I just had to blog about this.   Newberg is weird.  We went for a walk tonight about 8:00 or so.  We walked up through Jacquith Park, from Main Street over to College Street.  Then we continued on over to Meridian, did a little loop, and were walking down Meridian just a little north of the railroad tracks.  We saw some other people coming, and from a distance it just looked like a couple with a baby carriage.  As we got closer, we realized they had a huge cage on wheels, and inside was a great big blue Macaw.  I didn't take any photos, but it looked just like this:

We stopped and talked to the people.   They have had him about 5 years.  They got him from a woman who got him as an egg, hatched him and raised him.  Then she got divorced and moved to a tiny apartment and couldn't keep him.  Very interesting and very cool to see him.  He was beautiful!

So then, we continued down Meridian Street to downtown, turned right, and stopped at the Voodoo Martini for a drink.  When we left there, we were walking down the sidewalk and there was a couple with a truck and a food cart.  They were putting everything away for the night.  The passenger door of the pickup was open, and sitting on the door, was, a big blue and yellow Macaw.  Just like the other one.  So we stopped and looked at him, told them he was the second one we had seen tonight.  They know of the other one.  
Then we went to Naps, bought milk, and came home.  