Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

For the first time in 31 years I think, we dressed up for Halloween. Went to a party friday night, and put our costumes back on tonight to frolick around the yard a bit.The last time was in 1976, when we were living in the Main Street house in Ketchikan. Our house had a big Halloween party. At least I think that's where it was...
I think I dressed as a prostitute. Rich wore a suit and went as a politician. Terry Gardner, who was our state legislative representative at the time, was at the party. Rich didn't know who he was, and introduced himself as a politician. Funny memories.

So what we wanted to do tonight was get some of the other neighbors to also dress up like skunks (in case you couldn't tell from the photos what we were), and go trick or treating with us at Ken and Vickie's new house. One of the reasons they finally decided to sell their old house was because the summer before they had skunks move in to their crawl space. They had to go to great labor and expense to get rid of the skunks and their lingering odor.

None of our neighbors cooperated with us though, so we remained content to frolick in the yard for a few minutes to take the photos, leave costumes on long enough to see if we got any trick or treaters, which we didn't of course, and eat some spagetti. Exciting times, here.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Something Odd

Monday I had to go to Astoria. I was meeting a co-worker in Carlton so we could ride together. I left home about 7:15 am. When I got to the intersection of Honey Lane and Highway 240, there was a fire truck blocking off 240, and sending traffic down Old Yamhill Rd. As I traveled on Old Yamhill Rd, off to the left I could see that there were about 5 more fire trucks at least along Highway 240. I was able to get back on 240 at the intersection with Tangen Rd.

Whatever this was, it was something major. At first I thought it might be part of the statewide disaster drill that was supposed to be happening this week, but when I got home I looked on every news site I could think of to find information. All the disaster drill stuff wasn't starting until Tuesday. But there was no information about whatever this was, and still there has been nothing.

Just strange.