This weekend was one of work and play. The tomatoes are starting to ripen just enough every few days to make a batch of sauce. Friday I stayed home and made and canned one big batch - 7 jars I think half liters. I also pickled and canned the rest of the beets. 12 jars. That was a lot of work!
Saturday I made 3 hypertufa pots and had a birthday party, drank piƱa coladas and ate salmon. And Rich is making my arbor off the back patio for my birthday present. Pictures to follow when it is done.
Today I made 2 more pots, and another batch of sauce. We picked some corn and beans from the wild and crazy 3 Sisters Garden, and froze them.
We saw this blurry little frog while we were trying to find the beans...
Also picked some wild blackberries to freeze.
The cat loves Baba's chair, except there are some books in her way. Cats always love that chair.